Day-long Meeting
in Oxford
April 27th 2025
Come join us just outside Oxford in the lovely Wytham village hall, near Port Meadow and the river Thames. A day in friendship, to resource, dip into our true nature and allow it’s essence to surface in our open contemplation.
The day will start promptly at 11am giving you time to travel.
In the morning, we will share a yoga meditation session in the nondual tradition of Kashmir Shivaism. In the afternoon we will explore the practice of Authentic Movement. (Follow the links to read about these modalities.) We listen to, move and witness our felt and tactile experience with the ears of the now: open and alive. There will be time time to share a meal, a walk, and some conversation.

Can you hear the invitation whispered
to wait, open, still, silent,
and to find yourself in an invisible sanctuary carved out of the offering you make of yourself
moment by moment…
11am: Session
1pm-2:30pm: Lunch
Please bring a packed lunch so we can share our meal together. There is a lovely walk near the hall if the weather allows.
2:30om-5pm: Session
Wytham Village Hall is 4 miles north west of Oxford City Centre. Formerly owned by the Earls of Abingdon, for several hundred years, Wytham is now owned by Oxford University.
Despite having a population of only about 120, Wytham village attracts many visitors who come to see this special, un-touched place.
Tickets for April 27th, 2025
Ticket for April 27th (Sunday), 2025. The tickets are offered at three different price levels to accommodate various financial situations.
Ticket for April 27th (Sunday), 2025. The tickets are offered at three different price levels to accommodate various financial situations.
Ticket for April 27th (Sunday), 2025. The tickets are offered at three different price levels to accommodate various financial situations.
Deposit policy
You will receive a full refund up until a week before the event.
Meet Ellen
Ellen’s deepest intuition was confirmed when she met her teacher, Francis Lucille. In his presence, she recognised the eternal, limitless and universal nature of our shared reality. Over many years, her understanding deepened to touch all levels of experience. The process of aligning and stabilizing all aspects of her life to this understanding has continued to unfold since then. As a child Ellen loved to move and dance. She knew without words the joy and limitless transparency that the body dissolved into when it was free and alive.
As an adolescent and young adult, she acutely felt and enacted suffering through her body. Thus, the experience that we call the body has always been central to all of Ellen’s experiences, both in the ignoring and in the recognition of our true nature.
Today, Ellen offers meetings and retreats in The Awakening Body, sharing a direct exploration of reality sourced in the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism and self-inquiry as transmitted through Francis Lucille and his lineage. In addition, she has a private practice as a Psychotherapist, and facilitator of Authentic Movement. Her background of Dance-Movement Therapy and Transpersonal Psychology is shaped by the non-dual understanding.