Ellen Emmet.
Ellen’s deepest intuition was confirmed when she met her teacher in the non-dual tradition, Francis Lucille. Hearing his words, she recognised the eternal, limitless and universal nature of our shared reality. Over the years, this understanding has continued to unfold and to touch all levels of experience.
At the very same time, Ellen has never ceased to delve into the depths of her human experience, seen and unseen, thirsting for a wholeness and connectedness which appeared to be lost or obscured. This unstoppable quest brought her to therapy, Jungian workshops (and later Jungian analysis), Dream Work, Authentic Movement and creative writing.
More and more, she senses that each of our lives is a journey of revelation and integration, (including its darker crossings), through which the face of truth can shine uniquely and anew, wedding us to our direct experience and connecting us to the great family of creation.
Ellen was born in New York City but her family moved to Paris, France when she was an infant, where she grew up. At the age of 18, she returned to her native land and spent a decade studying and working in NYC, and subsequently moved to Northern California where she fell in love with the spirit of freedom and wilderness.
As a child, Ellen loved to move and dance. She knew without words the joy, connectedness and limitlessness that the body dissolved into when it was free and allowed. As an adolescent and young adult, she acutely felt and enacted suffering through her body. Thus, the experience that we call the body has always been central to all of Ellen’s experiences and recognitions. It is the place of pain and expression, the channel for raw and tactile intelligence, the mirror of the totality of creation and the pathway to healing.
Ellen’s quest for the feminine face of God brought her to India, to the shores and source of river Ganga and to the simple, wordless meetings with the women in the villages and the statues in the temples. Subsequently she met Marion Woodman, a Jungian analyst and wise woman, and was lucky to participate in numerous intensive gatherings, diving deeply into body and soul through dreamwork, body and voice explorations, mask making, ritual, and sharing within a circle of women.
Today, Ellen offers meetings and retreats in The Awakening Body, a direct exploration of experience sourced in the non-dual tradition of Kashmir Shivaism, Authentic Movement, and self-inquiry.
In addition, she has a private practice as a Psychotherapist, and facilitator of Authentic Movement.
Ellen feels filled with gratitude and reverence for her family, the animals, the places and the friends and teachers that have help shape her along the way. She lives in Oxford.
Credentials: Master Degrees in Dance Movement Therapy (New York University) and Transpersonal Psychology (John F. Kennedy University, CA). Certificate in Laban Movement Analysis.
“…In our daily lives, the body is seldom tasted as it is. We rarely listen to its language or allow it to simply unfold and blossom in its natural original intelligence.”
Ellen Emmet