We are like a river
and its water,
forever flowing,
forever resting.
Day-long Meeting
in Oxford
April 27th 2025
Come join us in just outside Oxford in the lovely Witham village hall, near Port Meadow and the Thames River. A day in community of Presence, to resource, dip into our true nature, and allow the spirit of the depth to surface in our open contemplation and express itself through movement.
When we open deeply to our direct experience, we may see that we flow as the ever-flowing movement of experience and that at the very same time we rest as something that never comes and never goes and which saturates every movement of experience with its loving substance.

It is the movement and the rest at the heart of our innermost experience that I explore with you in a group setting and individually.
The Awakening Body
We explore our direct experience and allow it to reveal its essential reality. Our particular focus is the body, allowing it to be our mirror and our pathway, our prayer and our altar, and ultimately the shining expression of this shared identity.
Private Sessions
These sessions offer a safe space and a mirroring presence to dive into the unseen corners of your experience, touch residual trauma, listen to dreams, dialog with the unconscious, and heal a connection with yourself and the world.
Find out when and how to join an informal group of like-minded friends. Online meetings, with webinars or mini-retreats, and live gatherings with long weekends or weeklong residential retreats in peaceful settings in nature.

As a child, I loved to move and dance. I knew without words the joy and limitless transparency that the body dissolved into when it was free and alive.
Ellen’s deepest intuition was confirmed when she met her teacher in the non-dual tradition, Francis Lucille. Hearing his words, she recognised the eternal, limitless and universal nature of our shared reality. Over the years, this understanding has continued to unfold, to deepen and to touch all levels of experience.
At the very same time, Ellen has never ceased to delve into the depths of her human experience, seen and unseen, thirsting for a wholeness and connectedness which seemed to be lost or obscured. This unstoppable quest brought her to therapy, Jungian workshops (and later Jungian analysis), Dream Work, Authentic Movement, creative writing and more.
More and more, she senses that each of our lives is a journey of revelation and integration, (including its darker crossings), through which the face of truth can shine uniquely and anew, wedding us to our direct experience and connecting us to the great family of creation.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” ~ Matthew 18-20